Woodland View Fishery

Hay Lane, Hadley, Droitwich WR9 0AU

Open Matches Tuesday Affordable Open : tuesday Draw time 9.00am Fishing 10am - 3pm Entrance fee £12.00 Plus optional Super pool £3.00 Friday Afternoon Open: These matches re-commence on 22nd April 2011. Draw 1.00pm Fishing 2pm - 7pm Entrance fee £20.00 Saturday Open: Draw 9am Fish 10am - 3pm Entrance fee £20.00 (Optional £1 Bonus Peg) Sunday Open:Start 28th August Draw 9am Fish 10am - 3pm Entrance fee £20.00 (Optional £1 Bonus Peg) Sunday Afternoon Open: (Sonu Baits Individual League.)Everyone welcome. Commence on Sunday, June 12th 2011 Draw 2.30pm Fish 3.30pm -8.30pm Entrance fee £20.00 (Optional £5 Super Pool.)

 Anglers interested in fishing any of the above Open Matches are asked to contact 07900 200385, 01905620872 & 07710821305

The waters used for matches will be decided on the day by the match organisers and will be dependent on number of anglers fishing, weather conditions and the number of other match bookings.

Carp to 10lb
Tench to 6lbs
Perch to 3lb
Chub to 4lb
Barbel to 6lbs

Address: Hay Lane, Hadley, Droitwich WR9 0AU
Website: http://www.woodlandviewfishery.co.uk/

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