About 2 acres, (2 joined lakes), with lots of carp upwards of 10lb, loads of 20's with a lake record of 34lb. Also bream, roach, rudd, perch, barbel, gudgeon, dace, tench.
Big lake and very peaceful, The two blokes who came round to collect our money where very nice. They said this was very highly stocked but we were there all day and didnt catch diddly poo. No bites, no nothing. Lovely lake though
Steve -
9th Aug 2024 at 11:57am
The bailiff for carp was thinking of doing two days and two nites there is it that bad
me -
6th Jan 2023 at 8:24pm
good lake great for learners local holds good carp lake reccord 34 pound
Bison -
17th Apr 2022 at 7:50am
I’m not a experienced fisher but I’m really not sure why this lake gets so much hate.
It’s local to me and takes 5 minutes to get too, the bailiffs are fine never had an issue.
Always caught plenty of bream on a nice sunny day.
£6 a day price and nice scenery.
My only gripe I guess would be when they chopped away the vegetation one year and there was a guy zooming around on a quad bike but that was once.
Rob -
4th Sep 2021 at 3:09pm
I definitely think this leak needs to be made into a syndicate the biggest I've caught out of here is a 12pound there is a lot more silverfish and hybrids than actual carp I've heard they took some carp out on lockdown everyone saying how rude staff are I've not experienced this myself the woman that collected money was friendly to me and my friend I think £20 a night fishing is a little bit too much should be put down to 15
Avid Carper. -
27th Jun 2021 at 9:17pm
What Have You & Miss Williams Done Steve. Get Someone In To Manage.????????
Tim. -
27th Jun 2021 at 8:42pm
Steve, Please Get a Grip. You have Miss Williams Let this Once Great Carp Fishing Venue Go. The Fellow that You Employed to Look after the Fishing side of Your Property 5-6 Years ago sent on his Way Knew how to Run it. It’s not Too Late to Turn this Around Once Again. You have a Gold Mine of a Great Fishery if Managed Correctly. Perhaps a Managed Syndicate Water. Watched You Create the 2/3Lakes from the Start. A Great Place to be Fish. Start Again Please
Fish finder -
28th May 2021 at 10:17am
Not good at all.. 1 star is generous
Tom -
1st Mar 2021 at 9:13am
Pittville lake got bigger carp And it don’t cost you nothing
I C U -
28th Feb 2021 at 11:37am
I can’t believe how dear it is tonight fishes please it’s nearly £35 and you sit there all night and catch diddly poo lololol Great way to con people into fishing for nothing